PC Setup


If this is your first time using rUNSWift software, follow the instructions on this page. For those that are looking to contribute to the codebase, please follow instructions on PC Setup (Contributing).

Install VirtualBox

Download and Install VirtualBox.

Import rUNSWift VM Image

  1. Download OVA file from runswift2.cse.unsw.edu.au/rUNSWift-VM.ova
  2. File -> Import Appliance
  3. Select the Downloaded OVA file
  4. Next
  5. Import
  6. Start


OVA file is very big (>5GB), and you have to be connected to the SPL_R network in the rUNSWift lab to download it.


For passwords, please Contact us.

Setup Wireless/Wired Network


You only have to follow these steps if you have to connect to an actual robot.

For a VM, it is necessary to bridge wireless networks and wired networks (when using LAN) from the host machine to the VM. Follow these instructions in VirtualBox.

  1. Network
    1. Adapter 2
      1. Enable Network Adapter
      2. Attached to Bridged Adapter
      3. Name should be your wired adapter